Show Prices Excluding VAT

To print invoices and receipts where prices are shown exclusive of VAT you will need to make some changes in the Resolut Online Portal.

By Device

If you need all your invoices and receipts from a device to exclude VAT, you can change the default price line for that device.

  1. Go to Assortment > Price lines and create a new price line.
  2. Make sure to check the Show prices excluding VAT checkbox then click Save.
    P2 fig1
  3. Next, go to Infrastructure > Devices and open the device you need.
  4. Scroll down to “Applications” and expand Resolut Online POS. Select the new price line from the drop-down menu, then click Save.
    P2 fig2
  5. Restart your POS device. Prices should now be displayed and printed excluding VAT.
    P2 fig3 P2 fig4

By Customer

If only some of your customers need prices to exclude VAT, you can change the price line used for that customer.

  1. Go to Assortment > Price lines and create a new price line.
  2. Make sure to check the Show prices excluding VAT checkbox then click Save.
    P2 fig1
  3. Go to Customers and open the customer you need.
  4. Scroll down to “Other” and under Price line select the new price line from the drop-down menu. Click Save.
    P2 fig5
  5. Now, when you make a Customer Sale for this customer,
    the Excl. VAT price line will be used, and prices will be displayed excluding VAT without changing the default price line for the device.
    P2 fig3 P2 fig4

NOTE: If a discount is applied to the sale, it will be applied to the Total including VAT, not only to the subtotal that excludes VAT.