How to Create a Cashcount

  1. Tap Login > Start shift
    K1 fig1

  2. Enter the “sign-on” cashcount. The “Balance sign-on” receipt is printed.
    K1 fig2 K1 fig3

  3. It is possible to make a withdrawal during the shift by tapping Cash Operation > Withdrawal.

K1 fig4a K1 fig5a K1 fig6 K1 fig7

  1. After making some sales, before creating a cashcount it is possible to print out a balance overview. Tap Balance Overview > Yes.
    K1 fig8a K1 fig9

  2. Create a cashcount to end the shift. Tap Cashcount > Yes.
    K1 fig10a K1 fig11

If the sum of sales and entered cashcount amount does not match, it is possible to recount or continue.
K1 fig12 K1 fig13

  1. If more currencies are configured to finish the sale, the cashcount provides the possibility to enter these currencies through ”Currency“ button
    K1 fig15a