Sales Screen

Available commands

Parameter Description
AppApplyLoyaltyCard Activates a loyalty card to this sale. The loyalty cards must be setup correctly and the cardname must be set as parameter.
AppEnterBarcode Asks the cashier to enter the barcode manually.
AppMilesAndMoreCard Miles & More cards can be scanned, in case the card is not scannable the number can be entered. This requires a correct setup of the miles & more plugin.
AppReturnItem Sets the current selected item as refunded.
AppSaleItem Adds an item to the receipt, see Add item button for all details.
AppSetDiscount Activates a percentage discount set in the parameter on the selected item. This can be useful to add a button -10% or assign it to a perishable barcode.
AppSetPerishableDiscount Equalivent to AppSetDiscount, but this is only allowed on Perishable items.
AppTaxFreeRefund Activates a Global Blue tax refund for this sale. This requires a correct configuration of the tax free plugin.
AppTicketDiscount Activate a percentage or amount discount for the whole sale. The parameter has 3 fields: description|value|type where value is the percentage of amount, type 0 means amount and type 1 means percentage.
AppTotal AppTotal, EFT AppTotal, CASH Activates the payment screen, or shows a warning if the current receipt cannot be totalized/paid. The parameter EFT will bypass the payment screen and start a card payment. The parameter CASH will bypass the payment screen and directly book the paid amount as cash.


Parameter Description
AllowItemIdInput This option allows the cashier to enter the item/product/sku number and is default true.
QuickEftPayment QuickEftPaymentIconId QuickEftPaymentText This is a temporary solution to activate the quick EFT button on the 4th button left of the keypad until the keypad buttons are programmable. Set QuickEftPayment to 1 and optionally set the icon id and text. When the icon id is not set icon 130 is used, set it to 0 to disable the icon.
QuickCashPayment QuickCashPaymentPresets QuickCashPaymentIconId QuickCashPaymentText This is a temporary solution to activate the quick CASH button on the 5th button next to the keypad. Shows presets amounts to select from, this value is default true.
ScaleInterfaceSupportZero Only when a scale is connect - if the scale support ‘zero’ from the cash register set this option to 1, it will show a zero button on the scale panel.
ShowScalePanel Only when a scale is connect - If set a panel with weight info is shown