Customers (POS)

Making a Customer Sale in POS

  1. Login to the Resolut POS. Tap Sale > Function > Customer. O2 fig1
  2. Tap a customer on the list to make a sale under that customer. You will be returned to the sale screen, the customer name is displayed at the top.
    O2 fig2
  3. Complete the sale as you normally would.

Adding a new Customer via POS

  1. Login to the Resolut POS. Tap Sale > Function > Customer.
  2. Tap + to open the new customer screen.
    O2 fig1
  3. Make sure the new customer has a Name and set an Account Type from the drop-down menu. You can also add contact details and a VAT registration number at this point.
    O2 fig3
  4. Tap OK to save the new customer.
  5. You will be returned to the sale screen, the customer name is displayed at the top. Complete the sale to save the new customer.

NOTE: If the sale is abandoned or otherwise not completed, the new customer will not be saved.

O2 fig2