EFT Configuration Parameters

When setting up an EFT provider you will need to configure the correct parameters in the Device details (Infrastructure > Devices).

Below you can find configuration parameters for the most common EFT providers:


To set-up an Adyen device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: Adyen

EFT provider: Adyen

Configuration: consists of 10 parameters, separated with semicolons:

1 – Terminal Id (from Adyen portal)

2 – Terminal IP

3 - Port (if not set, default is 8080)

4 - Logical POS ID

5 - Merchant account (account at Adyen portal)

6 - Encryption key (from Adyen portal: Point of sale > Terminal settings > Integrations)

7 - Encryption pass phrase (from Adyen portal: Point of sale > Terminal settings > Integrations)

8 – Environment

9 - Currency

10 - Print merchant receipt (if not filled in, the merchant receipt will not be printed)

J27 fig1a

Six (Wordline)

To set-up a Six device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: Six

EFT provider: Six

Configuration: consists of 3 parameters, separated with a pipe (|):

Individual parameters:

1 - Terminal IP

2 - TID of terminal

3 – Terminal port

J27 fig2a


To set-up a CCV device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: CCV

EFT provider: CCV

Configuration: consists of 5 parameters, separated with a pipe (|):

Individual parameters:

1 - Terminal IP

2 – POS IP

3 – Workstation ID

4 - Terminal port

5 – POS port

J27 fig3a

Vibbek (Wallee)

To set-up a Vibbek device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: Standalone

EFT provider: Standalone

Configuration: Leave empty

J27 fig4a


To set-up a MyPOS device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: MyPOS

EFT provider: MyPOS

Configuration: Leave empty

J27 fig5a


To set-up a standalone device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: Standalone

EFT provider: Standalone

Configuration: Leave empty

J27 fig6a


To set-up a Bovertis device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: Bovertis

Name: Bovertis

Configuration: Serial number


To set-up a Payplaza device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: Payplaza

Name: Payplaza

Configuration: ECR ID J27 fig8


To set-up a Sepay device, the EFT provider must be set in the device details as follows:

Name: Sepay

Name: Sepay

Configuration: Sepay requires 2 parameters- the SID and login. These are separated by a vertical bar “|” .