Add a Customer

  1. To add a new customer, login to the Resolut Online portal and go to Customers, then click + to open the “Customer detail” window.
  2. Make sure to enter a Name and Number. You can also choose to select an Account Type, and to enter a Business ID, Tax ID and VAT registration number at this point if needed.
  3. You can also add contact details, such as a Contact Person, Email, Phone and Website.
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  4. Next, fill in the “Address” fields.
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  5. Under “Other” check the Pay by invoice checkbox if you would like this customer to pay by invoice. You can also select a Price line from the drop-down menu or leave a comment in the “Remark” field if needed.
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  6. Once you have finished, click Save to create the new customer.

Your new customers will be visible in the customer list. You can refresh the list using the Refresh button.

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