
In the file KeyMapping.xml a command can be assigned to keys or key combinations on the keyboard. It is currently not possible to send parameters with the command from the key mapping file.

(Note: the keyboard mapping is subject to be moved to the database and configration screen)

Create a file KeyMapping.xml in the /pos folder with the following text, and restart the application.


<keyMapping key="ESC">AppBack</keyMapping> <!-- BACK -->

<keyMapping key="Escape">AppBack\</keyMapping> <!-- BACK -->

<keyMapping key="ShiftF5">AppOptions</keyMapping> <!-- SHOW OPTIONS -->

<keyMapping key="ShiftF3">-\</keyMapping> <!-- Minus key -->

<keyMapping key="ShiftF4">AppBackspace</keyMapping> <!-- backspace -->

<keyMapping key="ControlF9">AppShellExecute</keyMapping>

<keyMapping key="F2">AppTotal</keyMapping>
