
Parameter Description
Menu.AutosizeButtonText Enabled if the text on the buttons is resized to fit. If the text on the button is large it might get unreadable.
TopButtons.MinimizeMode Change the default behavior of the upper-right buttons (V) to minimize the application.
TopButtons.OnHoldButtonPosition Defines the position of the onhold button on the top navigation buttons, this is default 1 (first button on the left).
TopButtons.UseInvoiceCopy If set a button on top is visisble when a sales receipt (last sale) is available, the button will print the invoice on the configured laser printer. Default is not set
TopButtons.UseOnHold Enabled the tickets onhold/standby on the top navigation and this value is default true.
TopButtons.PrintReceiptButton Shows a button to print the last sales receipt after a closed sales. This feature depends if the parameter PrintSalesReceipts is set, if this parameter is not set this parameter is ignored. The value is default set.
MultiDrawerMode Settings this value allows multiple drawers to be used per cashier of shift, this means one or more cashiers can work on drawer 1, one or more cashiers can work on drawer 2, etc. This setting must be disabled to yse CurrencyDrawerMode mode. Default value is false, this means a shift or cashier can only sign in on ’the drawer’, or in case of a currency drawer, on both drawers.
WaitForDrawerClose When enabled the point of sales waits for the drawer(s) to be closed before the cashier can continue with the next customer or other functions. The option is disabled by default but it is recommended to enable this feature as the cash drawer cannot remain open.