Adyen Pinpad

This is a guide to installing Adyen pinpad plugin dlls and configuring them correctly in POS4.


The latest signed version of the Adyen pinpad integration plugin can be downloaded from the Bovertis downloads page:

Use your Bovertis domain account to access the downloads page and find “AdyenEFtDevice plugin (ZIP)”. R42 fig1

The following 3 dlls are needed from the zip package:


R42 fig2

Copy the dlls to C:\POS\Plugins.

Configure the EFT device in posconfig.xml, as follows:

\<parameter name="EftDevice"\>Adyen pinpad\</parameter\>

\<parameter name="EftDeviceParameter"\>S1EL-000150204800715;192.168.2.XX;8080;POS01_01;BovertisBV;test_key;mK9Bgz8N;TEST;EUR;\</parameter\>

\<parameter name="EftDeviceObject"\>AdyenEftDevice.dll\</parameter\>

Mandatory parameters:








Optional parameters:





More info:

PRINT_MERCHANT_RECEIPT - this triggers to print also merchant receipt, if not provided in parameters, POS will not print it even if it is available.

Important: The first start of POS4 must be done using the administrator privileges. This is because POS4 installs the Adyen certificates into the local certificate store in order to communicate with the pinpad in a secure way.


Security error in the devices.log

Unblock dlls in the windows file explorer. Right click on every dll and click details > unblock.

Null reference after payment button is clicked in POS

Please ensure that you see these lines in devices.log (in bold):

29/07 11:22:15.410> AdyenEftDevice Adyen certificates are already installed

29/07 11:22:15.424> AdyenEftDevice Local IP:10.14.XX.144

29/07 11:22:15.424> AdyenEftDevice Local IP overrided from parameters:10.14.XX.144

29/07 11:22:15.424> AdyenEftDevice Setting up listener on IP:10.14.XX.144 and port:8080

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Http listener task started

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Environment:PROD

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Currency set to:EUR

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Print merchant receipt:False

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Terminal URL:https://10.14.XX.140:8443/nexo/

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Merchant account:POS-Capi-Lux-Venetie

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Encryption details created

Payment notifications not visible in POS

Please ensure that the IP address of the POS is the same as used for http listener started by the POS:

29/07 11:22:15.410> AdyenEftDevice Adyen certificates are already installed

29/07 11:22:15.424> AdyenEftDevice Local IP:10.14.XX.144

29/07 11:22:15.424> AdyenEftDevice Local IP overrided from parameters:10.14.XX.144

29/07 11:22:15.424> AdyenEftDevice Setting up listener on IP:10.14.XX.144 and port:8080

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Http listener task started

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Environment:PROD

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Currency set to:EUR

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Print merchant receipt:False

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Terminal URL:https://10.14.XX.140:8443/nexo/

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Merchant account:POS-Capi-Lux-Venetie

29/07 11:22:15.427> AdyenEftDevice Encryption details created

Error setting up the notification http listener

In case there is a network error or “access denied” error when setting up the notifications http listener, use “netsh” command to allow access to set this up:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/ user=Everyone

netsh http add urlacl url=http://169.254.XX.4:8080/ user=Everyone

Payment can not be started, transaction failed

Please ensure that the testing transaction amount is higher than 1Eur. In POS4 you can use this parameter: EftTestPaymentAmount (app command: AppEftTestTransaction)