Vatfree integration POS4


  1. Be sure that the device number of the device you are using contains the number 1. For example: “17”, “41”, or “1”. VatFree needs this in order to identify a POS device.

  2. Open POS4 and in the Plugins table add the line VatfreePlugin.dll. POS4 autoupdate will download the plugin.
    J14 fig1

  3. In the Resolut Online Portal, go to Configuration > Integrations, and under “VatFree” click Configure. Set the Retailer ID, and the API Secret.
    J14 fig2

  4. In POS4, open the menu editor, and add a VatFree button to the Sales menu.
    J14 fig3

  5. When making a sale, if the user wants to register the sale on, press the VatFree button. This will mark the sale, and a notification will be shown.
    J14 fig4

  6. A VatFree receipt will be printed together with sale receipt. The user can scan the QR code from the VatFree receipt with the VatFree application to register the sale.