Global Blue Tax-free Module

Global Blue tax-free module functionality allows cashiers to register customer’s sales as tax free.
The customer pays full price including VAT, however when the sale is finished a tax refund request receipt is printed.
Using this document, the customer can ask for a tax refund at a designated location.


Global Blue tax-free module is provided by plugin dll Bovertis.Grips.dll. This plugin dll needs to be configured in the Parameters table. Since plugin connects to an external Global Blue service (GBS), connection to this service needs to be configured in as well.

Mandatory parameters

Parameter name Value Description
TaxFreeRefundModule Bovertis.Grips.dll Configures plugin dll
GripsServerAddress string GBS address
GripsServerPort numeric GBS port
GripsSenderId string GBS sender indentificator
GripsUsername string GBS username
GripsPassword string GBS password
GripsShopId string GBS shop identificator
GripsPosId string GBS pos identificator; placeholder @shopid@ can be used within parameter value, ShopId parameter value will be replaced there

Optional parameters

Parameter name Value Description
GlobalBlue.PrintReceiptCopy boolean If set, an extra copy of sale receipt will be printed (default false)
GripsAskPassportNumber boolean If set, customer’s passport number needs to be entered when initiating tax-free sale (default false)
GripsMinPassportNrLength numeric Minimum length of the customer’s passport number, used only with parameter GripsAskPassportNumber (default 6)
GripsMaxPassportNrLength numeric Maximum length of the customer’s passport number, used only with parameter GripsAskPassportNumber (default 20)
GripsCountryCode numeric Code of country where shop is located (default 528)
GripsServiceId numeric GBS service ID (default 8)
TaxFreeRefundPreferredCountries string Comma-separated list of numeric country ids, which should be listed first in the customer country selector (default empty)
UseRenderedVouchers boolean If set, tax refund form rendered by GBS is printed, otherwise the form is generated on POS (default false)

Plugin installation

Plugin dll Bovertis.Grips.dll can be installed either manually into C:\POS\Plugins directory or (having parameter TaxFreeRefundModule properly set) it will be automatically downloaded when POS is started.

Logo for tax-free form receipt

To configure a logo to print at the beginning of the tax refund form receipt, create file TaxFreeLogo.bmp in the C:\POS\Media directory.

Trigger for tax-free sales

Create a button with command AppTaxFreeRefund in POS sales menu.

Tax-free flow in POS4

To start the tax-free sale, press configured button with command AppTaxFreeRefund in the sales menu. Selector for customers country will be opened. Select a country and confirm.
R55 fig1

If entering of customers passport number is configured, enter the passport number and confirm.
R55 fig2

After confirmation, the tax-free sale is initiated and the tax-free indicator is shown in the receipt area.
R55 fig3

NOTE: Pressing the AppTaxFreeRefund button again will deactivate the tax-free sale and the tax-free indicator will be removed.

When products are scanned and entered in the payment screen the minimum total amount requirements for the sale are checked. This minimum requirement amount is provided by Global Blue service. If the requirement is not met a warning is shown.
R55 fig4

If the minimum amount requirement is met the sale can be completed. After successful payment a request for the tax-free voucher is made to Global Blue service.
R55 fig5

When the request is successful, sale receipt is printed together with the tax refund form.
R55 fig6