Partial Invoice Payments

  1. Invoice payments in POS4 must be enabled in the database.

    Hold Shift and right-click the key icon, then select Database Tool.
    Under Parameters, set the parameter Exact.UseInvoicing to 1.
    R44 fig1a

  2. In sale select a customer using AppSelectCustomer and Search for a customer with invoices

  3. Go to the Invoices tab. Use the amount input field, and the + and - buttons to select invoices.
    R44 fig2

There are 4 ways how to create an invoice:

  1. No invoice selected – create a payment without an invoice by entering the amount to the input field, but do not choose any invoice
    R44 fig3

  2. One invoice is selected – create either a full or a partial payment of an invoice

    • Full payment- Select the invoice using the plus button and pay the whole amount (cash or EFT)
      R44 fig4

    • Partial Payment- Select the invoice using the plus button and enter the amount in the input field
      R44 fig5

  3. Multiple invoices are selected and the amount input matches the selection – create a payment for the selected invoices

  4. Multiple invoices are selected and the amount input does not match – not possible, an error is displayed.
    R44 fig6